Conference Sea Air Space 2024
The modern geopolitical landscape challenges naval logistics, requiring innovative strategies and resilient systems. This vital panel brings together industry experts, military leaders, and technological pioneers to explore the frontier of contested logistics within the U.S. Navy with a focus on the Indo-Pacific theater, from understanding how extended supply chains, vast geographic space movement, and operations in limited connected environments, the panelists will delve into the intricacies of maintaining logistical superiority in the face of adversity. Topics will include adaptive supply chain management strategies, cyber and physical security considerations, data-driven decision-making, and collaborative strategies with allied forces. Attendees will gain insights into how the U.S. Navy is leveraging technology, innovation, and strategic thinking to navigate the complex web of contested logistics now and considerations for future actions.

Why meet Systecon:
U.S. Navy has mandated using Opus Suite for Readiness Based Sparing (RBS), Level of Repair Analysis (LORA), and other cost/capability analyses. Systecon, through the Opus Suite has proven significant cost savings and readiness improvement on SPY-6, EASR, F/A-18, and F-35, as well as on several other programs leveraging the Navy's Enterprise Product Lifecycle Management Integrated Decision Environment (ePLM-IDE).
Title: Building Resilience in Contested Logistics: What is the US Navy doing now and what can it start doing for the next fight
Tuesday, April 9, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
MODERATOR: Harris, Sinclair- RADM, USN (Ret)
Mindy Montgomery- Director, Logistics and Shore Integration, Department of the Navy
Philip Sobeck- RDML, Commander, Military Sealift Command, United States Navy
Ann Wood- Director, Product Support Management, Integration Sustainment Group Naval Air Systems Command
Justin Woulfe- Chief Technology Officer at Systecon
Modeling and Simulation Logistics in Contested Environments
Increased interest in decision support and Life Cycle Management
U.S Navy new Opus Suite customer - signs of growing interest in Opus Suite in the United States
Holistic Fleet Management vs Inventory Optimization

Dr. Kevin Rhodes

Justin Woulfe

Joseph Wade