S1000D and S-Series IPS User Forum 2023
Welcome to Systecon stand at IPS User Forum, bringing together defence and aerospace professionals from across the globe. The event takes place 11-14 September 2023 in Jacksonville, Florida and we look forward to meet our customers and contacts, contribute to the development of knowledge in analytical LCM and by being part of the Forum confirming the central role Opus Suite plays within IPS, and the user community.
Listen to our experts talking about the use of S3000L data as a baseline for a Life Cycle Management Analysis Model and book your meeting with our specialists to discuss real-life use cases of analysis-driven LCM and the impact on IPS. If you are in Jacksonville, welcome to our stand for a coffee, a chat on cost-effective life cycle management, and a brief update on our world-leading Opus Suite software for optimization, simulation, and life cycle cost analysis.

Join Systecon’s presentation and visit our team at the exhibition.
Systecon on the Agenda:
Date: Wednesday 13th September
Time: 16:00-16:30
Track: S-Series IPS Data Exchange Track
Title: Use of S3000L Data as a Baseline for a Life Cycle Management Analysis Model, Enabled via the Exchange of a Standards Based S3000L Dataset.
Speakers: Mikael Löfgren, Systecon & Parker Owen, ISS (Integrated Support Systems)
Organiser: AIA (Aerospace Industries Association)
The user forum is designed to provide a collaborative environment where asynchronous conversations and professional networking can be established between new and established users, the specification developers, solution providers and end-users focused on digitally transforming their business needs. The role of this Forum is to share real-world experience and use-cases from the entire ecosystem of practitioners looking to reach their goals of today and what’s realistic for strategies adopting the S-Series for their needs of the future.

Mikael Löfgren

Gustaf Sölveling
Dr. Gustaf Solveling is presenting “Design Optimization Using R&M Techniques” on 23 January 03:45 PM