USER GROUP UK 2014 - focus on the users

14 Novembro 2014

For two days in November, a large group of our clients' representatives are gathering in London to hear about our latest software developments. We expect two intense days focused on what's new in Opus Suite, on client case studies, and on an opportunity for the participants to share their advice and experiences.

For two days in November, a large group of our clients' representatives are gathering in London to hear about our latest software developments. We expect two intense days focused on what's new in Opus Suite, on client case studies, and on an opportunity for the participants to share their advice and experiences.

This year, of course, is primarily about the next major release of Opus Suite, at the beginning of next year. One of the biggest news relates to LORA-XT, a powerful analytical tool for the coordinated optimization of the entire maintenance solution. The changes to LORA-XT make it more general and versatile. It will now be more complete and will include new modeling elements that were missing, e.g., preventative maintenance and modeling using failure modes. Read more about LORA.

The international User Group in UK will be attended by almost one hundred participants, mainly from Great Britain and the rest of Europe but also from farther afield. User Groups have been held in this way since 1992, and the event has become an important opportunity to network and exchange ideas.

“The atmosphere is always great, and the event is very engaging. People take the opportunity to talk to the Systecon reps and pose questions. This also lets us spot opportunities for improvement,” says Thord Righard, Technical Director Opus Suite at Systecon.      

On Day 1, the focus is OPUS10, while Day 2 will revolve more around SIMLOX and CATLOC, plus client presentations and product news. One feature of User Group this year is to generate more discussions with our users to get their input for our continued development, regarding, for example, future changes to the data model.

“We will present our ideas and solicit feedback from our users. We want to give them an opportunity to be more involved in the development process,” says Thord Righard.

In addition to the annual User Group in London, we also host similar meetings in Stockholm and Sydney, with plans to launch additional events in other places, e.g., in the U.S.