Logistics Officer Association (LOA) Symposium 2024
The Logistics Officer Association (LOA) Symposium is this year's premier event dedicated to enabling interactive exchanges among logistics, acquisition, and technology professionals across the Department of Defense, defense industry, and academia. In 2024, there will be a continued focus on Leadership, Innovation, Velocity, and Excellence (L.I.V.E.).
LOA comprises military officers and civilians in the global logistics, acquisition, and technology fields. We aim to inspire informed, connected, and influential members by providing value-added professional development and education opportunities through strategic engagement with military leaders, the defense industry, and academic partners.

Why meet Systecon:
Systecon and their Opus Suite of tools have optimized some of the most complex Life Cycle Management projects in over 20 countries worldwide. They are the market leader in predictive analytics, with the DoD embracing our tools to solve complex problems, including US Navy, USMC, OSD, and the F35 Joint Strike Fighter. Systecon works across the entire product life cycle, relying on methods tested and refined for over 40 years and analyses using our proprietary, global market-leading Opus Suite software. Systecon’s customers provide efficient operations, controlled costs, and, most importantly, facts-based decisions. Systecon embraces the latest technology and continues to advance its position as a marketplace leader, having been selected in every head-to-head comparison of tools for the past 16 years.
Improving operational effectiveness for US Air Force F-15E

Dr. Kevin Rhodes

Justin Woulfe

Matt Dickinson