Awarded degree thesis

24 Mai 2011

Mattias Lindqvist and Jonas Lundins degree thesis ”Spare Part Logistics and Optimization for Wind Turbines
- Methods for Cost-Effective Supply and Storage” was chosen as the winner of the 2010 thesis competition in the field of Asset Management, Reliability and Maintenance, issued by the Society for Maintenance Technology, UTEK.

Systecon supported the degree thesis as supervisor and also with the optimization tool OPUS10 that was used to study the spare parts logistics and to find the most profitable parts strategies for some of Vattenfall AB's wind farms.
The aim of this degree thesis was to model spare part logistics for wind turbines and to analyse different strategies and compare the profitability. Optimal stock levels and reorder sizes have been calculated with Systecons software tool OPUS10. Wind turbine and spare part data have been provided by Vattenfall Vindkraft AB and field studies were made to the wind farms Lillgrund and Horns Rev to gather information.

The scholarship of 10,000 SEK and a diploma was awarded at the annual meeting of UTEK the 24th May. Systecon congratulate to the award.

Want to read more of the degree thesis? Click here.