Opus Suite Connect
Opus Suite Connect simplifies the time-consuming task of ingesting data to the Opus Suite Models. It is a new addition to the Opus Suite and offers capabilities that we are excited to introduce. First and foremost, for the increases in efficiency brought to Opus Suite users and their organizations around the globe, but also the increased quality that follows. Our ambition is to reduce the time spent on data ingestion by 80%.
Connect is an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) product with an easy-to-use Graphical interface as well as an API that enables more workflows for building and updating OPUS10 and SIMLOX models. Fetching, cleaning, and transforming data is a time-consuming, and often manual, task that takes away time from more in-depth analysis and understanding. And let’s be frank, it is rarely a fun activity either. With the API integration many of these manual steps are a thing of the past so that more focus can be put into producing great results.
With Opus Suite Connect, users can generate OPUS and SIMLOX models from LSARs, update existing models with the latest data from ERPs, PLMs etc., and merge the resulting models with already existing Opus Suite models or templates containing support organization and operational profiles.
Connect supports MIL-1388, GEIA-0007, ASD- S3000L and is also adaptable to custom formats such as in Excel, XML, JSON, and CSV.
There are many benefits of better integration to the data source(s). Quality is assured and hick-ups due to manual work is avoided. Connect takes care of,and ensures the quality of this step. Setting up a new OPUS10 or SIMLOX model can now be done at a much higher pace. Product breakdowns and system configuration can be pulled from an LSAR or PLM system to quickly stand up the product domain of the Opus Suite model. The support organization and the operational profile can be drawn from either template files or existing Opus Suite models for a fast and efficient construction of the more scenario specific domain in the model. The threshold for gaining insights from analysis removed.
Lastly, Opus Suite Connect enables the responsibility for the data ingestion to be assumed by other people then the analysis-specialist. Collaboration across departments becomes easier. Product data and configurations can be handled by the people that know them best, whereas different operational scenarios can now become the focus of others. This collaboration can drive more engagement, from more people, to contribute to the whole Life Cycle Management process.
Key take-aways:
- Connect increases the efficiency in building, updating, and maintaining OPUS Suite models.
- Connect provides the means to deliver Opus Suite powered decision support at speed.
- Connect is ideal when product breakdowns undergo many revisions.
- Connect is ideal when reiterative runs, or analyzes,with updated data arerequired.
- Connect simplifies the process of setting up batches of sensitivity and what-ifs analyzes.
- Supports MIL-1388, GEIA-0007,and ASD- S3000L.
- Supports proprietary data in various Excel, XML, JSON, and CSV formats.
Contact us to learn more, or to book a demonstration of Opus Suite Connect