News Opus Suite v2022.2
A new release of Opus Suite RDM is ready for download. Here are the main new topics and benefits that come with the latest version.
Preventive maintenance triggered by item state
In the new version of SIMLOX it is possible to define that items are the "bearer" of a preventive maintenance (PM) event. This means that counters for the time to next PM can follow individual items. One consequence of this is that calendar-based PM events may occur also when an item is in stock. It also means that if a specific item is removed from a system, for example due to a failure, the state of that item is kept until it is installed in a system and starts to generate operations again.
Initial state for systems and items
With the release of version 2022.2, the concept of initial state is introduced in SIMLOX. With this feature it is possible to define a state in terms of age for systems and items at the start of the simulation. The initial state can be defined for both items installed in a system and items in stock. It is also possible to define initial states for systems and items that are added at a later point in the simulation through a transfer into the scenario. The initial state functionality replaces, and generalizes, the previous functionality of “PM system scheduling”.
Generalized functional breakdown modeling
The functional breakdown (FBD) capabilities have undergone some major improvements in this release. The main enhancement is the possibility to construct functional breakdowns that do not strictly follow the product breakdown. First, this makes the modeling more straight-forward and compact since you only need to consider the parts that are included in the FBD. Second, you may now construct functional relations between elements from different branches of the product breakdown – something that has not been possible before.
The graphical support in the FBD-view has also been improved. The view is now able to graphically depict serial redundancies that are implicitly created. With this update, it is possible to see the complete functional breakdown, and not just the explicitly modeled functional blocks.
Last, but not least, the FBD-view is now available in OPUS10 as well.
To learn more about the functional breakdown model, we recommend going through the new tutorials available in the latest release. See the user documentation (help-file), section “Modeling Examples”.
Downtime contributors
In the latest version of SIMLOX it is possible to analyze combinations of failures that have contributed to a system going down. This is especially interesting for systems that include redundancies (Functional Breakdown modeling). The new results are presented in the report, both as values over time and as totals over the entire simulation.
Operational mode degradation contributors
The prioritized order in which a system degrades in terms of operational modes is described as an input to the simulation in SIMLOX. In the latest version, new results are available showing to what extent certain failures contributes to this degradation. These new results are provided in the report, both as values over time and as totals over the entire simulation.
Graphical support for maintenance strategy per item
With the release of version 2022.2 comes a smart graphical representation of the maintenance strategy per item. This is achieved through a new color scheme for the item-nodes in the structure trees of OPUS10 and SIMLOX.
This new feature is more than just a representation of an item type since it takes all aspects of the maintenance strategy into consideration. For an item that is always rectified, the previous, yellow, color is still used. If the item is discarded, a blue color is applied and if the item is sometimes rectified and sometimes discarded, the item node turns green. Items without any maintenance strategy defined is represented with a white color which often indicates that some data is missing for this item.
Remember to check out the full list of all the enhancements in Opus Suite RDM. Full list
Previous releases:
Opus Suite v2021.1
Opus Suite v2021.2
Opus Suite v2022.0
Opus Suite v2022.1
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