New release of Opus Suite – OPUS10, SIMLOX and CATLOC
New versions of all three tools in Opus Suite are now available. The new release includes enhancements to modeling flexibility and analysis capability as well as further improvement of user friendliness and efficiency.
Integration, KPI results and Reliability Block Diagrams
The integration of the three tools continues to improve. Most significant is the introduction of a common data model for OPUS10 and SIMLOX which makes it possible to run optimization and simulation on the same data set. Modeling of preventive maintenance intervals, phased scenarios and operational units has been aligned to be the same for both OPUS10 and SIMLOX. The newest software release includes the introduction of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in CATLOC which makes it possible to monitor cost per hour of operation, departure etc. A major enhancement in SIMLOX is that functional requirements can now be described as Reliability Block Diagrams.
Continuous customer driven development
The Opus Suite is continuously developed and improved based on user feedback and evolving best practices and technical advancements. Customers with an active upgrade and support agreement receive new versions at no additional cost.